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Unveiling the Architecture Ball
Monday, Jan. 29 
12:00-1:00PM in the commons
w/ inspiration superwoman Mireille Roddier

Workshop #1: Big Inflatable
Wednesday, Feb. 21st 
6:00 PM in the commons
w/ balloon extraordinaire Anca Trandafirescu

Workshop #2: Dinner and Desk Crits
Wednesday, Mar. 6th

Workshop #3: Costumes!
Wednesday, Mar. 20th
Through an interdisciplinary workshop, Zain AbuSeir and Barbara Pearsall (Stamps) will lead us in creating wearable installations (aka costumes) out of paper materials, fabric scraps, and construction waste. We will be providing techniques, patterns, and inspiration. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a crafted item to wear to the Ball!

The Ball
Saturday, March 30th
For one night only, students will transform the Taubman College Commons into an ephemeral festivity space for the first annual "Tuabmn Architecture Ball, " a celebration of design and designers. This year's theme, "Frameworks," focuses on collaborative projects, essential structures, and making fun! This event is free; all Taubman students, faculty, staff, and guests are cordially invited, and costumes or formal attire are encouraged.

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